Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Life in Prescott...

...might have easily been a drunken' blur. It's a party town, yessir, with cowboys, natives, hippies and even those saloon-style swinging doors. But the air was crisp, it smelled like Fall, and for some reason, that little college reminded me of Green Mountain and Poultney. I did walk a bit of Whiskey Row at night, and stayed at a little campground a few miles above.

Other tasks for Prescott:
  • Went to the house my grandparents built overlooking Thumb Butte. I'd been there before - over a decade ago.But still remember gazing out that back window, waiting for a cougar or a coyote to walk out...I couldn't tell you if one ever did, my back then my imagination was much more powerful than my memory, and you wouldn't believe what I "remember" seeing. It may have involved a ninja turtle. That's right.
  • Find a Geocache and deliver a TB. For the dorks who know what I'm talking about, you're a dork. For those who don't, apparently you're known as a "muggle", and in all honesty I don't know which is worse.
  • Find a Geocache. Yes, this one gets an honorary second mention. These things were terribly, terribly hard to find. BUT, in looking for the cache, I found this:which makes it all worthwhile, right? NO! Thank God I finally found one, I would've torn my hair out by the end of the day! Well, no, but it was darned frustrating.
  • Decide whether to attend the McCain speech being held in the court. I decided against it (thinking I'd rather be in Cali when Obama wins), but this is not the first time I've faced this kind of political decision - the candidates were following me everywhere! Nashville, in particular, I left a day before... the first debate? the VP debate? I don't know. Anyway, when these things happen, you see this:And then this:

I'll leave you with what I saw as I left Prescott:

And back to the desert I go...

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