And, of course, when I saw the signs for "Oldest Tree in the Redwoods!" and "Drive-Through Tree, Don't Miss It!" I had to oblige. It was just beginning to rain, and even though it was shaping up to be a miserable day, my spirit was riding high. I stopped at this old general-store looking attraction, where it cost $2 to drive through an old tree. Actually it cost me $2 for a soda and to drive through a tree. Very nice old hippy behind the counter who felt for me when I told him his vending machine didn't work - he happened to have a 6-pack of Coca-Cola right there. Mmm. So I drove through a Tree.
And I hung out in a Tree House:

I hit the coast for one last peak before retreating into the forests, gorges and mountains toward Portland.
A few scary accidents aside, I'd arrive in Portland that night. But the good thing about all the scariest accidents I've seen? They've all occurred about a mile up-road from me. Good, good luck.
Although the sign below was kind of freaky:

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