Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Armed and Blind

How cute is this little bugger?! Eating my lunch, watching a show on my computer, this little guy makes some noise about 20 feet away. He looked like some ugly rabbit until I realized what it was... Finally! An Armadillo that wasn't just roadkill. I followed him around with my camera for a while, he didn't seem to mind. Actually, at one point I was sitting, shooting away, and he comes closer and closer to me, nose in the dirt and leaves, looking for food. He gets all the way to my foot before I shift and he realizes I'm another living thing. He 'runs' away, which, in Armadillo, means he ran two feet, hopped in the air, ran a couple more feet, hopped again and changed direction mid-air, and strolled away. He didn't seem very concerned, but he wasn't taking any chances.

(He's shy...)

More animals of note include these itty-bitty deer. They're so cute! And again, not shy - do these animals know they're protected by the rangers in this small Texas state park?

I'd be browning them in a fire if I had the nerve. That's pretty callous, huh... I suppose I need to get some meat in my diet before I become an enemy to our Nation's Parks and Forests.

Finally, we go from protected and pristine to suburban and skittish:

I wonder if visitors to the East Coast are as interested in our groundhogs, porcupines, red squirrels and falcons?

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